MPS World Summit 2025
June 9-13, 2025
Upcoming Webinars
Visionary Partnerships for Advancing High-Content, High-Throughput Imaging with iMPSS and ABRF
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
10:00 – 11:00 am ET (GMT-5)
Register here:
The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) and the International Microphysiological Systems Society (IMPSS) invite you to join a joint program to discuss collaboration opportunities to advance shared interests. This first program will cover topics related to high-throughput imaging technology used in Core facilities to enable MPS. It is a valuable technique for phenotypic screening assays, evaluating the response of cells, cell-based models, or organisms to various types of perturbagens.
Past Webinars
Topic: Application of Organ-on-a-Chip Technology within Investigative Toxicology: A European Tox Leaders Forum Perspective
- Philip Hewitt, Merck Healthcare KGaA
- Marian Raschke, Bayer AG, Pharmaceuticals
- Mario Beilmann, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG.
- Stefan Kustermann, Roche
Moderated by: Lorna Ewart, Emulate
Panelists: Philip Hewitt, Marian Raschke, Mario Beilmann, Stefan Kustermann
Access Recording—iMPSS members can access this webinar recording from the Member-Only webinar archive.
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International MPS Society
Early Career Interest Group Webinar:
Co-Ops in Biomedical Engineering
Are you a student considering a co-op in MPS?
Are you an MPS company considering taking on co-op students?
Access Recording—iMPSS members can access this webinar recording from the Member-Only webinar archive.
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An IMPSS Early Career Investigators Interest Group Webinar
Start Ups within Micropnysiological Systems Field:
How Should I Start?
- James Hickman, Hesperos
- Jan Lichtenberg, InSphero
- Nina Hobi, AlveoliX
- Paola Occhetta, BiomimX®
Step into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship at “Start ups within microphysiological systems field: how should I start?,” an exclusive webinar organized by the Early Career Investigators Interest Group. We will feature four remarkable speakers who have successfully navigated the startup landscape within the MPS field. Gain invaluable insights as they share their personal journeys, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way. This event is a unique opportunity for the young members of our society to connect with seasoned founders and gather inspiration for your own entrepreneurial endeavors.
Access Recording—iMPSS members can access this webinar recording from the Member-Only webinar archive.
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IMPSS Webinar Series
The MPS Wish List for Modeling Endometriosis Patient Populations—And Why It Matters for Other Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Featured Speaker:
- Prof. Linda Griffith, MIT
Access Recording—iMPSS members can access this webinar recording from the Member-Only webinar archive.
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