Chemical Risk Assessment Interest Group


The objective of this IMPSS interest group is to engage researchers and regulators within the microphysiological systems field to discuss the use of MPS data for chemical risk assessment to build and create global support for this exciting and important use of MPS data.

Short Term Goals:

  • To set up a community for discussion and potential reach on this topic.
  • To host a series of global workshops on the use of MPS data for chemical risk assessment.

Long Term Goals:

  • To identify potential context of uses for MPS data for chemical risk assessment and associated qualification criteria
  • To identify pathways for translation of this data into Points of Departure (PODs) and/or ADME
  • To identify suggested criteria for determining if the MPS is reasonably certain to represent what is occurring in vivo and/or provide a protective POD
  • To identify potential partnerships in this area



Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Food and Drug Administration (USA)


Photo Inv Nicole Kleinstreuer

Nicole Kleinstreuer

National Institute of Health, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, DTT/NICEATM